Course descriptions for all ANSC courses can be found in the UMD Course Catalog. Current semester offerings can be found in the online Schedule of Classes.
Course Name |
Semester Offered |
Prerequisite |
Meets Management or Advanced Elective requirement? |
ANSC101 - Principles of Animal Science |
Fall and Spring, Every Year |
None |
ANSC103 - Principles of Animal Science Laboratory |
Fall and Spring, Every Year |
ANSC101 as pre or co-requisite. MUST BE ANSC MAJOR. |
ANSC105 - Horse Care Practicum | Fall and Spring, Every Year | None | |
ANSC115 - Careers in Animal Sciences |
Spring, Every Year |
ANSC101 and ANSC103 |
ANSC120 - Dairy Judging |
On Hold |
None |
If a group of 5 or more students are interested in taking the course please email the department at to request scheduling. |
ANSC121 - Livestock Judging |
On Hold |
None |
If a group of 5 or more students are interested in taking the course please email the department at to request scheduling. |
ANSC201- Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals |
First offering Fall 2025, every semester |
ANSC101/ANSC103, AND BSCI170/171 | |
ANSC204 - Anatomy of Domestic Animals |
Last offering Fall 2024 |
ANSC101/ANSC103, AND BSCI170/171 |
ANSC205 - Anatomy of Domestic Animals Laboratory |
Last offering Fall 2024 |
ANSC204 as pre or co-requisite |
ANSC210 - Veterinary Terminology |
Spring, Fall, every year, online |
ANSC204 and ANSC205 |
ANSC212 - Applied Animal Physiology |
Last offering Spring 2025 |
ANSC204/205 (formerly ANSC211) or equivalent |
ANSC214 - Applied Animal Physiology Laboratory |
Last offering Spring 2025 |
ANSC212 as pre or co-requisite |
ANSC220 - Livestock Management |
No longer offered |
No longer offered |
ANSC227 - Eating with Eyes Wide Open |
Fall and Spring, Every Year |
ANSC232 - Horse Management |
Fall, every year |
ANSC101 and ANSC103 |
Management course |
ANSC237 - Equine Reproductive Management |
Spring, Every year |
ANSC232 |
Management course (Spring 18 or later) |
ANSC242 - Dairy Cattle Management |
Fall, Odd years only |
ANSC101 and ANSC103 |
Management course |
ANSC245 - Sheep Management |
Spring, Every Year |
Minimum grade of C- in ANSC101 and ANSC103. Students who have taken ANSC235 cannot also take and receive credit for ANSC245. |
Management Course (Spring 2020 or later) |
ANSC246 - Beef Management | Fall, Every Year | ANSC101 and ANSC103 | Management course |
ANSC250 - Companion Animal Care and Management |
Spring, Every Year |
ANSC101 and ANSC103 |
Management course |
ANSC252 - Introduction to Diseases of Wildlife |
Fall, Every Year |
ANSC255 - Introduction to Aquaculture |
Fall, Every Year |
ANSC101 and ANSC103; or must have completed an introductory biology course. |
Management course |
ANSC260 - Laboratory Animal Management |
Fall, every year |
ANSC101 and ANSC103 |
Management course |
ANSC262 - Commercial Poultry Management |
Spring, Even Years Only |
ANSC101 and ANSC103 |
Management course |
ANSC270 - Animal Enterprise Management |
Fall, Odd Years Only |
ANSC101 and ANSC103 | |
ANSC282 - Grazing Animal Management |
Spring, every year |
ANSC101 and ANSC103; or permission of instructor. NOTE: Credit only granted for: ANSC110, ANSC282, or INAG116. |
Management course (Spring 18 or later) |
ANSC314 - Comparative Animal Nutrition |
Fall, Every Year |
ANSC101 and ANSC103; CHEM231 OR PLSC275 |
ANSC315 - Applied Animal Nutrition |
Spring, Every Year |
ANSC314 |
ANSC327 - Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetics |
Spring, Every Year |
ANSC101/ANSC103, BSCI170/171, CHEM131 (all required). Recommended to take BSCI223 prior to taking ANSC327. |
Advanced ANSC Elective (if not using to meet Genetics requirement) |
ANSC330 - Equine Science |
Spring, every year |
ANSC232; recommended ANSC204/205 and 212 |
Advanced ANSC Elective |
ANSC340 - Health Management of Animal Populations |
Spring, Every Year |
BSCI223; and (ANSC220, ANSC232, ANSC242, ANSC250, ANSC255, ANSC260, or ANSC262). Recommended: ANSC212 |
Advanced ANSC Elective |
ANSC359 - Internship Experience in Animal and Avian Sciences |
Every semester |
One approved ANSC management course AND Permission of instructor. Interested students must apply. |
Advanced ANSC Elective. Students can only use ANSC359 to satisfy 3 credits of the Advanced ANSC Elective requirement. |
ANSC371/372-Sustainable Agriculture and Environment: Global Seminar | Every fall/winter | No prerequisites. ANSC371 (Seminar) is offered in the fall and ANSC372 (Travel Abroad) takes place over the winter term. | Students that take both ANSC371 and ANSC372 will receive Advanced ANSC elective credits as well as SP and CC Gen Ed credits. |
ANSC379 (formerly ANSC390) - Animal Science Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Seminar |
Every semester |
Permission of instructor, for students confirmed as UTAs in ANSC courses. *Student can only receive repeatable credit for ANSC379 when they serve as TA for a course in which they have not served as a TA previously. |
ANSC389 - Experiential Learning (formerly ANSC386) |
Fall and Spring, Every Year |
Permission needed to enroll: Students must apply. |
ANSC399 - Special Problems in Animal Science |
Fall and Spring, Every Year |
ANSC101 and ANSC103; Permission needed to enroll: Students must apply. |
ANSC401-Animal Growth and Development for Production Agriculture |
First offering, spring 2026, every spring |
ANSC201 | |
ANSC410 - The Gut Microbiome and its Roles in Health and Disease (previously ANSC489M) |
Fall, Even Years Only | Must have at least one of the following: BSCI223, ANSC212, ANSC327, BSCI222, BSCI421, or NFSC430. | Advanced ANSC Elective |
ANSC417 - Regulatory Issues in Animal Care and Management |
Fall, Every Year |
Must have at least one of the following: ANSC220, ANSC232, ANSC242, ANSC250, ANSC255, ANSC260, or ANSC262. |
Advanced ANSC Elective |
ANSC435 - Experimental Embryology |
Spring, Every Year |
ANSC212; recommended Reproductive Physiology |
Advanced ANSC Elective |
ANSC436 - Animal Health Policy and Communication |
Fall, Every Year |
ANSC340 Recommended |
Advanced ANSC Elective |
ANSC437 - Animal Biotechnology |
Fall, Odd Years Only |
ANSC327 |
Advanced ANSC Elective |
ANSC440 - Zoonotic Diseases and Control (previously ANSC489R) |
Spring, every year |
Must have at least one of the following: BSCI223, ANSC212, ANSC327, BSCI222, BSCI421, or NFSC430. |
Advanced ANSC Elective |
ANSC443 - Physiology of Lactation |
No Longer Offered |
ANSC212 and CHEM231 or PLSC275 |
Advanced ANSC Elective |
ANSC444/644 - Domestic Animal Endocrinology |
Spring, Even Years Only *temporarily changed to fall of 2024 |
ANSC212 or Permission of Dept. |
Advanced ANSC Elective |
ANSC445 - Comparative Digestive Physiology | Spring, Every Year | ANSC204 and ANSC212 | Advanced ANSC Elective |
ANSC446 - Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction |
Fall, Every Year |
BSCI440 or ANSC212 |
Advanced ANSC Elective (*Note - students in Care & Management are required to take this course, and cannot double count it as an Advanced Elective) |
ANSC447 - Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction Laboratory |
Fall, Every Year |
ANSC446 as pre or co-requisite |
Advanced ANSC Elective (*Note - students in Care & Management are required to take this course, and cannot double count it as an Advanced Elective) |
ANSC450 - Animal Breeding Plans |
Fall, Every Year |
Prerequisite: Calculus (MATH120 (formerly 220, 130 or 140) OR BIOM301; and junior standing |
Advanced ANSC Elective (if not using to meet Genetics requirement) |
ANSC452 - Avian Physiology |
Spring, Odd Years Only |
ANSC212 |
Advanced ANSC Elective |
ANSC453 - Animal Welfare and Bioethics |
Spring, Every Year |
ANSC101 and ANSC103 OR BSCI160/161 |
Advanced ANSC Elective |
ANSC454 - Nutritional Aspects of Metabolic Disease (Formerly ANSC489O) |
Fall, Every Year |
CHEM131 and ANSC101, or BSCI170 |
Advanced ANSC Elective |
ANSC455 - Applied Animal Behavior |
Fall, Every Year |
ANSC101 and ANSC103 OR BSCI160/161 |
Advanced ANSC Elective |
ANSC460 - Comparative Vertebrate Immunology |
Fall, Every Year |
ANSC212 or BSCI201 or BSCI440 |
Advanced ANSC Elective |
ANSC489O - Nutritional Aspects of Metabolic Disease |
Now being offered as ANSC454. |
ANSC101, CHEM131, and BSCI170/171 or equivalent. |
Advanced ANSC Elective |
ANSC497 - Animal Biotechnology Recombinant DNA Laboratory |
Winter, Every Year |
ANSC327; Recommended ANSC435 and 437 |
Advanced ANSC Elective |
Last updated: 1/29/25