
2015 Maryland 4-H Dairy Bowl

May 29, 2015

The Maryland 4-H Dairy Bowl Contest was held on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at the University of Maryland College Park. A total of 52 youths from 7 counties participated in the Junior, Intermediate and Senior Divisions. Teams of knowledgeable young people competed for top honors by testing their dairy science knowledge on many levels of the industry including anatomy and physiology, feeding and nutrition, health and diseases, breeding and genetics, herd management, lactation and production, dairy foods and marketing, and other dairy business trivia.   In the Junior Division (youth ages 8-10 as of January 1st) four teams participated. The combined team of three youths from Anne Arundel County and one individual from Carroll County placed first. Team members were: Elizabeth Karides, Ethan Hughes and Seth Hughes from Anne Arundel County and Virginia Burns from Carroll County. The second place team was the team of three members from Frederick County and one individual from Kent County. The third place team was from Carroll County and the fourth place team was from Queen Anne’s County.    Sawyer Little from Carroll County placed first on the written exam. The top ten Junior individuals were:   1. Elizabeth Karides, Anne Arundel County 2. Breckin Welsh, Frederick County 3. Sawyer Little, Carroll County 4. Seth Hughes, Anne Arundel County 5. Ethan Hughes, Anne Arundel County 6. Kendall Welsh, Frederick County 7. Bryce Zepp, Carroll County 8. Bodey Griffith, Carroll County 9. Virginia Burns, Carroll County 10. Alexandra Miller, Kent County   In the Intermediate division (youth ages 11-13 as of January 1st) five teams participated. The combined team two youths from Carroll, one individual from Anne Arundel and one individual from Queen Anne’s County placed first.  Team members were:  Jordyn Griffith and Marissa Roberts from Carroll County, Maxwell Nelson from Anne Arundel County and Eric Smith from Queen Anne’s County. The second place team was from Anne Arundel County, the third place team was from Frederick County, and the fourth placed team was a combined team of two youths from Montgomery County, one individual from Cecil County and one individual from Queen Anne’s County. The Queen Anne’s County team placed fifth.   Jordyn Griffith from Carroll County placed first on the written exam. The top ten Intermediate individuals overall were:    1. Jordyn Griffith, Carroll County 2. Marissa Roberts, Carroll County 3. Maxwell Nelson, Anne Arundel County 4. Ryan Allen, Frederick County 5. Grace Hughes, Anne Arundel County 6. Mindy Burton, Montgomery County 7. Robert Hahn, Frederick County 8. Eric Smith, Queen Anne’s County 9. Katelyn Iager, Frederick County 10. Claire Hughes, Anne Arundel County   In the Senior division (youth ages 14-18 as of January 1st) four teams participated. First place went to the team from Frederick County. Team members were: Todd Allen, Jonathan Hubbard, Shelby Iager and Tyler Umberger. The team from Cecil County placed second, the combined team of two individuals from Carroll County and two individuals from Montgomery County placed third and the team from Kent County placed fourth.   Olivia Richart from Cecil County placed first on the written exam. The top ten Senior individuals overall were:    1. Olivia Richart, Cecil County 2. Todd Allen, Frederick County 3. Shelby Iager, Frederick County 4. Henry Myers, Kent County 5. Jonathan Hubbard, Frederick County 6. Tyler Umberger, Frederick County 7. Ethan Miller, Kent County 8. Tyler McMullen, Cecil County 9. Matthew Nevin, Carroll County 10. Dylan Hill, Kent County   The top ten Senior individuals now have an opportunity to try out for a spot on the State team that will compete nationally in the fall.