
Academics Advising

Academics & Advising

Requirements  |  Advising  |  Vet School |  Policies  |  Honors  |  Scholarships  |  Student Resources


Current Announcements

No current announcements at this time.

Program Requirements & Planning

Animal Care & Management Option Science/Pre-professional Option Combined Ag-Veterinary
Medicine Option

This curriculum prepares you for a rewarding career in equine, poultry, or livestock production and related fields (animal nutrition, health, and allied industries).

This curriculum prepares students for entry into professional schools in the health sciences (medical, dental, pharmaceutical, etc.) and top graduate research programs in the US. 

This track is for students seeking early vet school admission (junior year applicant). The accelerated curriculum is designed for transfer students who have completed most degree requirements by their junior year.

Worksheet and sample graduation plan


Worksheet and sample graduation plan


Worksheet and sample graduation plan


ANSC Advising

Advising Overview

ANSC undergrad advising graphic

We structure advising to ensure you are getting accurate, timely helpful information early in your career. We communicate requirements, resources, and opportunities on your ANSC Advising Elms course. 

Here is what you can expect during your time with ANSC:

  • 1st semester: Group advising to workshop 4 year plan

  • 2nd semester: Group advising to explore career and advanced education options

From that point on:

  • Spring semesters: Attend a workshop, panel discussion, or networking event, of your choice (some are hosted by ANSC) to further explore your career interests and network with industry professionals

  • Fall semesters: Meet one-on-one with your faculty mentor

You will complete a senior audit when you have completed approximately 75 hours.

Course Planning Resources

Dropping a course with a W?

There are several factors you should consider when determining whether or not to drop a course with a W. Review our Factors when considering dropping a course with a "W" FAQ.

FAQ Page

Veterinary School

Learn more about how our ANSC undergraduate program can prepare you for veterinary school


Minimum Grade and GPA Policies for ANSC Students

ANSC Grade Policies:

  • Earn a C- or better in all major required courses, including ANSC courses and required supporting courses in other departments

  • Complete any prerequisites with a C- or better in order to register for a class.

  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in all major required courses

  • General Education courses allow a grade of D- or better as a passing grade - except if a major required course satisfies a gen ed requirement

    • Example: BSCI223 (Microbiology) is a major required course which also satisfies the I-Series Gen Ed requirement. ANSC students must earn a C- or better to receive credit, as it is a major requirement.

Special case for:

  • ANSC Students enrolled in ANSC prior to (and during) Spring 2016 

  • External Transfer Students Enrolled Summer Session II 2016 and after


Benchmarks provide a timeline of courses to complete by a certain number of semesters within ANSC.

  • This helps keep students on track to graduate on time, accounting for prerequisites and courses which are offered during specific semesters.

  • Meeting these benchmarks shows successful progress through the major.

  • Measurement of benchmarks begins when you begin with ANSC.

  • If you are unable to meet benchmarks, it may indicate this major is not a good fit for you; it may be in your best interest to switch to a different major.

Changing your Option

  • It is easy to change between our major options (Animal Care and Management, Pre-Science/Pre-Professional, and Combined Ag-Vetmed).

  • Complete the survey in your Elms advising course to request a change of option.

  • Please note, that options cannot be changed after the registration drop/add period during the semester; requests submitted after that window will be processed the following semester.

Exceptions to Policy

The following circumstances require an Exception to Policy request to the college. You may learn more about exceptions and find the request form here.

  • Credit limit - request to take over 17 credits

  • Time conflict (trying to take two courses that may overlap)

  • Late Add (adding a course after the end of the schedule adjustment period)

  • Late/Retroactive drop without a "W"

  • Late/Retroactive drop with a "W"

  • Grading method change Repeat Policy (over 18 credits)

  • Repeat Policy (3rd attempt of same course)

  • Enroll "off-campus" within final 30 credits

  • Exceed the 4-credit drop limit in one semester

  • Take a Graduate course for undergraduate credit

*Please note that requests are not guaranteed and are considered on a case-by-case basis

Taking Courses Off-Campus

Students may take courses at other institutions for UMD credit in some circumstances. To do so:

  • Fill out a Permission to Enroll in Another Institution form before you take the course at another institution.

  • Identify an equivalent course to a UMD course via the Transfer Credit Evaluation Center< website.

  • If the permission is granted, you may enroll in the course by following that school's posted requirements.

  • Once you have successfully completed the course, have the Registrar's Office at the other institution send the official transcript/record to UMD's Office of the Registrar. This is the only way the course will be added to your UMD record.

Please note:

  • The maximum number of credits you may transfer from a 2-year institution is 60, and 90 for a 4-year institution

  • Fundamental math and fundamental english requirements must be completed at UMD

  • You need to submit an Exception to Policy request if you wish to take a course at another institution within the last 30 credits of your UMD degree

  • CHEM272 must be taken at UMD

Helpful Links

Departmental Honors

  • Intended to provide academically talented students with opportunity for significant professional development.

  • Participants work one-on-one with a faculty advisor to complete a research project.

  • Successful completion earns a college honors citation in recognition of your hard work.


  • Completion of at least 12 credits in the ANSC major.

  • Completion of at least 56 credits of undergraduate course work (junior standing) 

  • Cumulative grade point average of at least 3.2

  • Minimum GPA of 3.2 in courses required for the ANSC major

Required Program Elements:

  • Six or more credits in upper-level honors courses, seminars, or workshops. These courses may be from any department on campus and may also be used to meet other requirements. Graduate courses in the ANSC department (600-level), may substitute for any part of this requirement.

  • Six or more credits of ANSC 388 Honors Thesis Research under the direction of a faculty member, culminating in a thesis and satisfactory performance on an oral defense of the thesis conducted by two or more faculty members.

How to Apply:

Apply at: AGNR Honors Program

Admission is based on:

  • Grades

  • Work experience

  • Evidence of motivation and maturity

  • Availability of a faculty mentor


Departmental Undergraduate Scholarships

  • Applications for ANSC Scholarships are currently open!  Submissions are due May 15th, 2025.

  • ANSC Average Scholarship Award: $1,000 - $3,000

  • How to apply:

    • The application for all of our ANSC scholarships is available as an online Scholarship Application Form.  Please note that this year we have merged our application process with the College's.  This means that by submitting an application for an ANSC scholarship you will automatically be considered for every scholarship administered by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources for which you are eligible. 
    • All students submitting scholarship applications must also have an ANSC faculty member submit a online Faculty Evaluation Form. Any scholarship application submitted that does not have a corresponding evaluation form submitted will not be considered. Faculty evaluations must also be in by the May 15th deadline. It is the student’s responsibility to identify an ANSC faculty member to fill out the evaluation, and to apprise the faculty member of which scholarship(s) they are applying for. Contact your faculty evaluators a minimum of two weeks before the deadline so that they have time to complete their evaluations.
    • If you are applying for more than one scholarship you must indicate which ones on your application.  You are only required to have one faculty evaluation form but make sure to let your faculty evaluator know if you are applying for multiple scholarships so they can address all of them them on the evaluation.  You can have different faculty members complete an evaluation for each scholarship if you prefer.
    • Please note that if you have been awarded a scholarship in the past you need to apply again in order to be considered. 
    • Submissions that are incorrect or incomplete will not be considered.

Judith E. Brocksmith Pre-Veterinary Scholarship

  • Awarded to one, current student

  • Pre-veterinary option within ANSC

  • Award based on merit

England Memorial Scholarship

  • ANSC students

  • Dairy industry interests

Tom Hartsock Animal Management Scholarship

  • Awarded to one ANSC student every other year (odd years)

  • At least 27 credits completed

  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 each semester

  • Animal Care and Management or Equine Studies track

  • Maintain a full-time status each semester

Kinghorne Scholarship

  • Undergraduate students

  • Interest in poultry production or avian business

  • Required to take two departmental poultry courses 

  • Required to complete an internship within the poultry industry

Rummel Scholarship

  • Awarded to one student

  • Interest in research in Avian Ethology

  • Complete a research project directed by an ANSC faculty member

  • Include a proposal of the research project in the application

AGNR Scholarship Opportunities

College Level Undergraduate Scholarships

Chester R. Bletch Endowment

  • Interests in Dairy Science

  • Call 301-405-2078

James R. Ferguson Memorial Fund

  • Students enrolled in ANSC

  • Award based on academic achievement and financial need

  • Call 301-405-207

Maryland Dairy Scholarship

  • Two (2), four thousand dollar ($4,000) scholarships

  • Students currently enrolled in a four-year college Agricultural program

  • Dairy project (any breed)

  • Call 301-405-1392, or view application:

Maryland Dairy Scholarship Application

Student Resources

Connect with ANSC's Peer Mentor today: ANSC Peer Mentor

Tutoring Resources

If you find yourself struggling in a class, or just not performing as well as you would like, there are a number of campus resources available to help. Students are encouraged to seek out assistance in their courses early on in the semester.

  • UMD Tutoring
    Campus wide and major specific tutoring resources (including Chemistry, Math, and Physics).

  • Counseling Center Academic Resources
    Resources (both on-campus and online) to help students with study skills, math learning, and time management.

  • Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education
    A variety of services and programs to enhance the learning experiences and promote the academic success of undergraduate students.

  • Academic Success and Tutorial Services
    Initiative of the Academic Achievement Program with a specific focus on serving students in “high-risk” courses.

  • Guided Study Sessions (GSS)
    Free, regularly scheduled study sessions for traditionally difficult courses.

  • UMD Writing Center
    Opportunities for undergraduate students to improve writing and thinking skills in their academic work and careers.

  • Oral Communication Center
    Helps students with speaking assignments and hosts workshops on topics such as listening, speaking anxiety, and presentation delivery:

Counseling Resources

If you or anyone you know is struggling with problems of a personal nature (depression, anxiety, stress, etc.), the University has many resources to help you! We want all students to feel safe and and be successful, and we are here to help. If you find yourself struggling, do not hesitate to reach out and ask for help!

  • Counseling Center
    Offers free and confidential counseling sessions to registered UMD undergraduate and graduate students.

  • Mental Health Service in the University Health Center
    Mental health evaluation, prescription and monitoring of psychiatric medicine.

  • Help Center - (301) 314-HELP
    The HELP Center is a campus telephone hotline where you can confidentially speak to a trained student (peer-counselor) about any matter that concerns you.

  • Center for Healthy Families
    The Center for Healthy Families provides couples, marriage and family therapy as well as parent education.

  • University Chaplains
    Pastoral Counseling. Please check the Chaplain Directory for specific contacts from each religion or denomination.

  • Undergraduate Student Ombudsperson
    The Ombuds Office assists students with resolving issues with the university, including those in which students are unsure where to go for assistance or those that may not be easily addressed through established policies or procedures. The ombudsperson provides information on university policies and procedures, makes referrals to appropriate campus colleagues who may be helpful with resolving issues, and sometimes facilitates the resolution of problems.