
Staff Person of the Year

June 29, 2015

Jennifer Reynolds, Coordinator of Equine-Poultry Extension Activities, was chosen as the 2015 Staff Person of the Year by the Department.

Each year several deserving staff members are nominated for this significant award and the faculty vote on the winner. Jennifer has been with the department since 2011. She works under the direction of Dr. Amy Burk, Associate Professor and Horse Extension Specialist in the department. Jennifer also supports the faculty involved with poultry, Dr. Roselina Angel and Dr. Nick Zimmermann.

In addition, Jennifer assists Extension faculty all over the state with the planning and execution of equine and poultry educational programming. This includes the University Seminar Series at the Horse World Expo, Mid-Atlantic Nutrition Conference, Introductory to Farriery and Nutrition Clinics, Maryland 4-H Poultry Bowl, Poultry Expos, and pasture management trainings.