
The Foals Have Been Named!

Image Credit: Edwin Remsberg

June 20, 2014

The final round of voting closed on Monday and the official names for the Campus Farm's new foals are in. The names, voted on by the public, will be the names these two foals run under in their future racing careers. 288 votes were submitted during the final round of voting.

The bay colt, born on February 12, by Rock Slide and The Best Sister, will be racing under the name Maryland's Best. The results were:

  1. Maryland's Best - 45%
  2. Rockin' Terp - 36%
  3. Terrapin Rockstar - 19%

For the chestnut colt, born on March 29, by Friesan Fire and Daylight Lassie, will be racing under the name Fear the Fire. The results were:

  1. Fear the Fire - 53%
  2. Testudo's Star - 23%
  3. Blazin' Terp - 24%

Thank you to all who voted. Good luck to Maryland's Best and Fear the Fire in their future careers!