
4-H Horse Judging and Hippology Contests

July 23, 2015

The Maryland 4-H Horse Judging and Hippology Contests were held on Saturday, May 30, 2015 at the University of Maryland College Park. A total of 84 youths from 11 counties (Anne Arundel, Calvert, Carroll, Cecil, Charles, Frederick, Garrett, Howard, Montgomery, Queen Anne’s, and St. Mary’s) participated in the Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Divisions. Hosting this event on campus allows 4-H members and their families from across the state to visit and become familiar with our programs and facilities, while also getting the chance to interact with faculty and staff that help with the event, including Animal and Avian Sciences Extension Coordinator, Jennifer Reynolds and 4-H Equine Coordinator, Brittany Hoffman.

Special thanks to the horsemen and women who brought their horses to the Campus Farm for the judging contest and to all of the volunteers who helped with scoring and acted as group leaders.  Your support of our 4-H Youth is greatly appreciated.

In the Horse Judging contest, young equestrians competed for top honors by evaluating horses and riders in conformation and English and Western riding classes. Participants competed for team and individual honors, judging eight diverse classes of horses and presenting oral reasons to judges, defending their placings.

The Calvert County Team took top honors in the Junior Division (ages 8-10). Team members are Carrie Jones, Ella Morrissey, and Hayley Spicknall, and coach Dr. Carol Spicknall. Anne Arundel County took second place; Carroll County, third place, and Montgomery County, fourth place.  Cecil, Frederick, Howard, and Queen Anne’s counties were represented by 4-Hers competing for individual honors.

The first place team in the Intermediate Division (ages 11-13) was from Anne Arundel County, comprised of team members Heather Barlage, Katie Rose Schuler, Maddie Solley and Phoebe Vacek, and coached by Cindy Solley. Montgomery County fielded the second place team; the third place team was from Howard County, and the Frederick County team placed fourth. Carroll, Charles, Cecil, and Queen Anne’s counties were represented by 4-Hers competing for individual honors.

First place honors in the Senior Division (ages 14-18) went to the team from Anne Arundel County, comprised of Carley Gray, Lexi Solley, Caylin Stevens, and Jenna Whittington, and coached by Christa Stibolt. The team from Carroll County placed second, and Montgomery County’s team placed third.  Calvert, Cecil, Frederick, Howard, Queen Anne’s, and St. Mary’s County were represented by 4-Hers competing for individual honors.

The top ten Senior individuals now have an opportunity to try out for a spot on the Maryland 4-H Horse Judging team that will compete this fall in national 4-H Horse Judging Contests at the All-American Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus, Ohio and at the Eastern National 4-H Roundup in Louisville, Kentucky.

In the Hippology contest, 4-Hers demonstrated their knowledge of a broad range of equine science topics including anatomy and physiology, feeding and nutrition, health and diseases, breeding and genetics, tack and equipment, riding and equine sports, and horse trivia. Individual 4-Hers compete against their peers in the Hippology contest; there is no team competition. Participants complete a practical written exam and judge four classes of horses for conformation and performances. Hippologists also must present one set of oral reasons to judges, explaining their class placement. Awards are based on combined total score for written exam, judging, and reasons.

The Junior 4-Hers (ages 8-10) who won blue ribbons in the Hippology Contest were:

  1. Hayley Spicknall, Calvert County (Champion)
  2. Ella Morrissey, Calvert County
  3. Carrie Jones, Calvert County
  4. Sadie Kalman, Cecil County
  5. Piper Patchett, Queen Anne’s County
  6. C.J. Mayhew, Montgomery County
  7. Cecilia Yeager, Carroll County
  8. Alli Simpkins, Anne Arundel County
  9. Dianne Russell, Anne Arundel County
  10. Lilly Ricketts, Montgomery County

The Intermediate 4-Hers (ages 11-13) who won blue ribbons in the Hippology Contest were:

  1.  Lesley Porterfield, Calvert County (Champion)
  2. Brooke Howard, Anne Arundel County
  3. Sydney Keys, Cecil County
  4. Katie Rose Schuler, Anne Arundel County
  5. Phoebe Vacek, Anne Arundel County
  6. Grace Meyer, Howard County
  7. Sophie Wolf, Carroll County
  8. Liana Grosko, Howard County
  9. Lesa Ramsburg, Carroll County
  10. Morgan Blackaby, Cecil County
  11. Morgan King, Queen Anne’s County
  12. Brianna Nelson, Calvert County
  13. Emmy Mako, Howard County
  14. Rachael Toombs, Montgomery County

The Senior 4-Hers (ages 14-18) who won blue ribbons in the Hippology Contest were:

  1.  Ashlee Leshinski, Montgomery County (Champion)
  2. Gertrude Tesar, Garrett County
  3. Hannah Cimbaljevich, Carroll County
  4. Abby Krohn, Calvert County
  5. Nicole Coccia, Howard County
  6. Samantha Barlage, Anne Arundel County
  7. Melanie Martin, Carroll County
  8. Sierra Criste, Anne Arundel county
  9. Carley Gray, Anne Arundel County
  10. Jenna Whittington, Anne Arundel County
  11. Lexi Solley, Anne Arundel County
  12. Madelyn Sewell, Montgomery County
  13. Wyatt Holtery, Calvert County
  14. Katie Grasser, Carroll County
  15. Tabitha Gregory, Frederick County

The top Senior Hippologists now have an opportunity to try out for a spot on the Maryland 4-H Hippology Team that will compete this fall in national 4-H contests at the All-American Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus, Ohio and at the Eastern National 4-H Roundup in Louisville, Kentucky.